Thursday, August 9, 2007

Bloggy McBlog Blog

I think all the booze that I've been drinking has eliminated the portion of my brain that regulates tact.

With that being said, how come we don't have slaves anymore? You know, when you think about it, slaves got shit done. If I were on cribs, I wouldn't be all bragging about my car or my house, I'd be like "You see that!? That's my PERSON!" I mean, I'd give them dental and health benefits and all that stuff. It really wouldn't be a bad life...but government says NOOOOO slaves. Lame.

Particularly, I'd like to have a midget slave. I'd like for him to wear a sombrero full of chips and dip. Whenever I was hungry I'd be like "Yo, Pepe, get your ass over here!" Imagine how helpful that would be when you had a cocktail party!?

Speaking of parties, I've been doing a lot of that lately. I actually went to Blake Lewis' birthday party a few weeks ago and it was a good fuckin' time! Speaking of midgets, Blake is one. I could rest my drink on his head when he was standing next to me. He's a silly little bastard.

This weekend 150 of my closest friends and I are taking a yacht out and we are having a toga party onboard. I got a sassy little outfit all geared up and I'm having a big pre-party at mi casa. Hopefully I don't have to get carried off the boat this I did on the Gilligan's Island theme cruise we had a few months ago. Actually, I don't mind getting carried off the was falling asleep on the dance floor under the deejay booth that I prefer not to relive.

Anyway, is it Friday yet? For fuck's sake.


yournamehere said...

I love you. That may be the alcohol talking, but it's like a truth serum.

C-Biscuit said...

do i know you?

la dolce said...

BTw, BEST name ever!!

I love you too, sweet pea.

No, but don't you wish you did?

o. Sano said...

hey tipsy the bloooog. and well, you are a tart...and me likes tarts. and sammiches.

la dolce said...


Where the hell is Pony? I've never even heard of it? And I'm a Belltown Belle!

-Tartfully yours

o. Sano said...

poh-knee is up on cap/hill where the old chaCHA used to call home. it is so gay that i think it is a place for hags et stags. being straight is so gay these days...ya know what i mean. anywho, friday is a good day and i say, GOOD DAY la D.

la dolce said...

Ahhh, Capitol Hill is a special place, isn't it? The last time I was up there I went to see Wax Taylor at Chop Suey. I ended up at some gay bar with my friends that I didn't realize was gay until I noticed the entire joint was full of men and none of them were looking at me! haa.

I am so very very very glad it is Friday myself. I plan on getting extremely intoxicated this weekend. I may black out, I may lose my purse, I may end up face down in a gutter somewhere...ahh, the possibilities!

o. Sano said...

look for me in the gutter...i love the company. or, at least i will be at the market tonight for the sunset supper which i anticipate greatness. lots-o-booze and food and snooze. if not, i will hand you your purse. did i write that?

la dolce said...

If I get all my laundry done, it's awwwwn like donkey kong.

o. Sano said...

wash your clothes but leave that mind dirty. dirty birdy makes for good fun!

la dolce said...

I think I can arrange for that :)

o. Sano said...

you get the last's mine: what's the word???THUNDERBIRD!

la dolce said...

I'm ready to go home from work now. It's so freaking nice outside.

I'm going to Thunderbird my ass over to Greenlake and go for a jog.

Andy said...

151 > 150

therefore, you must invite me to the toga party!

and to commemorate being guest number 151, I'll be bringing a big ass bottle of 151.

Adam Pope said...

la dolce said...

and Jesus and Mary too!?